MEL is often given money ‘with no strings attached’. If community health centres are in dire need of maintenance, we help in a variety of ways:
In 2014, Ted Crampton also came to help the Health Centre, digging a new borehole, installing a new pumping system, all at his own expense, to restore much-needed running water to the clinic and the staff housing. New mothers can now be some of the other beneficiaries
Some well-wishers have also donated the £160 or so needed to build a bicycle ambulance for remote communities whose only other method of transporting their sick to the clinics is in a wheelbarrow or on a bicycle. As one headman said: ‘our villagers go to the clinic sick and come back dead’. 4 villages now increase the chances of seeing members of their communities come back alive because the 20kms or so journey is more comfortable, less dangerous to their health.
Rewiring, renewing ceilings so that Ngala Health Centre is a safe, light, powered environment for patients, especially women coming in to give birth. Previously, the delivery room at this centre included bats and owls (see photo - heralds of forthcoming death in Malawian superstition!) among its occupants: