Malawi Education Link:
- Builds and/or renovates primary classroom blocks, teachers’ houses, using materials sourced / made by the communities themselves plus input from our funds
- Uses every penny raised directly on charity projects, every penny sees reward
- Works with the local communities to maximise mutual involvement and effective use of funds
- Distributes teaching, learning and sports resources donated in the UK
- Supports disadvantaged children such as AIDs orphans, deaf children, those from poor families unable to afford school fees
- Matches adult students seeking sponsorship for tertiary education with UK benefactors
- Supports local clinics with medical supplies, expertise
- Provides feedback to donors in whatever form they specify
The volunteers:
- Take part in teambuilding and fundraising events for up to one year.
- Fund their own travel, insurance and costs with private efforts
- Travel to Ngala, Dwangwa, in teams for 3 weeks in July, August, December or January each year, to work hands on with communities.
- participate in the local communities, sharing cultures, sporting events, skills
- visit some of the other unique areas of Malawi
- usually consist of donated items to be used in schools, ranging from books, stationery, teaching materials, sports equipment....
- often include tools, art & craft materials to develop skills and create earning potential in local people
- always include donated medical supplies and equipment