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You can donate online using our preferred method via BT MyDonate. Not only is this system free for us, but they are also able to claim Gift Aid for us!
Simply press or click the button below, or follow this link
Simply press or click the button below, or follow this link
What does the money buy? (as of 2016)
£7.50 buys a bag of cement. We need 1 bag to refurbish a chalkboard, 90 bags to build a teacher’s house, 160 builds a double classroom block.
£33 sponsors a student through a year at the local secondary school, giving them a greater opportunity at employment, later on in life, as well as equipping them with the knowledge to lead better informed lives. To sponsor a child or adult through specialised education (Mua School for the Deaf; tertiary education), contact us and we'll give you the cost.
£50 pays to refurbish, lime-wash and decorate a classroom with appropriate teaching resources.
£100 helps to renovate a teacher’s house, raising morale and encouraging that teacher to stay in that school
£1,000 pays for the tin to roof a classroom block
£3,500 builds a tin-roofed teacher’s house, ensuring that the school will attract a better standard of teacher (many schools are staffed by volunteers) whose salary will be paid by the government.
£3,500 will build a double classroom block, enabling up to 250 children to learn in sheltered, secure conditions.